Our very special wild venison haggis is sustainable, comforting and full of goodness. It is also fresh from the woods and fields of Northumberland – The wild “5th Quarter” – So, what’s in a haggis? Wild Venison pluck, (liver heart etc) and a little mutton fat to add richness if the deer are too lean. Then we add pinhead oats for texture and their creamy little grains plus some freshly chopped onion. And then our freshly roasted and ground spices.
Burns Night is on January 25th.

Our standard size haggis will feed two hungry people with neeps and tatties and the Big One will feed four. Reheat your haggis in the oven wrapped in foil for about 40-50 minutes in a medium oven, or in a covered dish in the microwave on medium until piping hot.
For each haggis, select equal quantities of Maris Piper or Rooster Potatoes, it really makes a difference – and also swede (or neep/turnip if you are feeling super traditional). You’ll need half a pack of unsalted butter too for two and salt the cooking water.
The key to a really good mash
The key to a really good mash – tatties yes, but very much more important for neeps is to dry the mash in the pan over the heat, (before adding 1/4 pack of unsalted butter and lashings of freshly ground black pepper) just keep mashing over a low heat and you’ll see the mash start to dry and become firmer, then it’s ready to embrace the butter and spice!